
Bonjour les amis! Lailani Alyana R. Sedano is the name also known as Yanah or LA. I'm eighteen years old (but I look sixteen). LOL. I was born skinny. Sucks, I know. Currently taking Bachelor in Science major in Architecture in Far Eastern University. 10% Spanish, 40% Filipino, 50% Awesome! Artist by heart. You can see me reading most of the time. I'm very impulsive! I buy things that catches my attention. I secretly love poetry (Don't judge). I love everything that sparkles. I hate Krispy Kreme (No offense). I love documenting stuffs and share them so that others can also see the beauty of the world. LOL. That's all I can say I guess? Find more about me in some post that I will post. Okayy!

PS. If you have a Wattpad acct. Please do follow me. (Pandemonium_Princess)

P.PS. I'm currently writing a story in Wattpad it's called "Mind Games" So if you have the time, check it out!


  1. "I'm eighteen years old (but I look sixteen)" I can totally relate to that! x)
